I spend a lot of time talking about systems for someone who doesn’t treat himself like he’s part of one. Maybe it’s my upbringing with its lack of acknowledgement of emotions. Maybe it’s straight pride. Hard to say. Whatever it is, I haven’t been acknowledging where I’m at and where I have and don’t have agency to improve that. This creates a whole bunch of stress, irrationality, and wasted energy. Time to stop that, eh?

I co-facilitated a workshop using Ecocycle Planning from Liberating Structures last week. One of the things we spent a lot of time talking about are the traps on either side. In the Poverty Trap live things which you’ve given lipservice to, but are failing to thrive. In the Rigidity Trap live things which are past their use-by dates—things which no longer meet their contextual needs. My habits are in both traps. They do not been the contextual needs and the ones that would are dying on the vine. Mindfulness works. Shipping junk works. Reading works. I know this, but I’ve been trying to live like an animal driving solely by intuition. It’s the very thing I coach against.

So, this isn’t good, but it’s shipped. Gotta start somewhere.